Yorkshire Energy Park Planned Works Update
As part of the ongoing Yorkshire Energy Park site investigation works, we wish to inform you of some planned works taking place over the next few months.
Initial works started on 30 August 2022, lasting around two weeks in total with intermittent site activity.
These works were to drill four separate bore holes to install hydrological and rainfall monitoring equipment so we can gather baseline data on ground level wetland conditions. Ahead of the works, temporary fences were installed to ensure safety of contractors on site from cattle that currently graze the land.
Now complete, stock proof post and rail fences have been installed around the equipment and will remain in place for a minimum of one year.
The borehole locations have been positioned to remain a considerable distance away from the known gas pipelines and their respective easements. The positions have specifically been located c. 50 m from these areas to avoid any potential conflicts and disturbances that the drilling activities may cause.
All borehole locations will be assessed for the presence of underground utilities, including the known pipelines, by a specialist utilities clearance contractor prior to the commencement of breaking ground.
Additional works will start on Monday 17 October to dig a series of trenches within the Phase One area. Archaeologists will be checking the ground prior to us starting any work next year. They’re expecting to be on site for two to three weeks.
Furthermore, all existing asset owners have been informed of the works that will be taking place on site.
If you have any queries about the works on site, please contact hello@yorkshire-energy-park.co.uk where a member of the development team will be able to provide more detail.