Site investigation works to take place on proposed site
The outline planning application for the proposed development of the Yorkshire Energy Park has now been submitted to East Riding of Yorkshire Council. The planning reference is DC/17/01673/STOUTE/STRAT.
Following the submission of the application, we will be undertaking a series of below ground investigations on the site to understand the ground conditions, water environment and archaeology. The works will commence in late August 2017 and are anticipated to last 5-6 weeks.
The investigations will be focused to the western part of the site, towards Staithes Road, across the area proposed for development. Some minor works (e.g. digging by hand) will also be undertaken across the land to the rear of Kingstown Hotel.
The investigations will use a range of different methods, including temporary trial pits using an excavator and a series of boreholes with a range of different drill rigs.
Engineers will be on site during the works to observe the soils, take samples and conduct further non-intrusive monitoring as required. Other specialists may also be on site at various times, including ecologists and archaeologists.
A site cabin and welfare facilities will be set up in the western part of the site off Staithes Road. There will also be vehicles moving around the site.
If you require any further information about the site investigations or the proposed development, please do not hesitate to contact Rob Cawkwell on 01482 787777 or via email